Free Classes


C100 - Crochet, The First Step

Crochet is a very versatile craft by nature, and an experienced Crocheter can create lovely items. But how someone who has not touched a crochet hook, can get into this wonderful world? Yes, one can study beginner's books and references, practice simple stitches, then crochet simple swatches and pieces, and after so many rather unfruitful efforts, somehow get her hands on the craft. Trying to understand instructions written in crochet lingo, which to an untrained eye, might look like a mnemonic form of a foreign language, is another challenge by itself.

Nazanin S. Fard (Nazee) shows you the shortcuts. She shows you all the details, from holding the hook, making chain stitch and single crochet, to decreasing and fastening off, with all the diagrams, all in plain English, no crochet lingo. However, as a crocheter, you do need to become familiar with crochet lingo, as it is the standard way of writing instructions in almost every project. That is why after she explains every instruction in plain English, she shows its equivalent in crochet lingo, so you become familiar with it for your next endeavor in crochet world.

Nazee's completed class project, a purse, was so pretty that we thought even experienced crocheters will be interested in it. However, an experienced crocheter might be bored if she had to go through all those detailed explanations. She/he would prefer to see instructions in concise standard lingo. To solve this problem, Nazee presents this class in two versions, Beginner and Standard. The Beginner version, as explained, assumes no prior experience and goes to explain every detail in plain English. The Standard version however, using standard crochet lingo, is designed for crocheters with some experience. Both versions render the same result. When you sign up for this class, you will have access to both versions. That is an extra bonus for beginners. After they finish the beginner's version, they can go through the standard version to see if they now understand the crochet lingo. We are confident they will.

Class has Two Lessons. Students with no experience as well as those with Basic or higher skill level may benefit from this class.
Classroom is open and $Free, Enter Now!


K100 - Knitting, The First Step

Knitting is a very versatile craft by nature, and an experienced Knitter can create lovely items. But how someone who has not touched knitting needles, can get into this wonderful world? Yes, one can study beginner's books and references, practice simple stitches, then knit simple swatches and pieces, and after so many rather unfruitful efforts, somehow get her hands on the craft. Trying to understand instructions written in knitting lingo, which to an untrained eye, might look like a mnemonic form of a foreign language, is another challenge by itself.

Nazanin S. Fard (Nazee) shows you the shortcuts. She shows you all the details, from holding needles, casting on and knitting, to decreasing and binding off, with all the diagrams, all in plain English, no knitting lingo. However, as a knitter, you do need to become familiar with knitting lingo, as it is the standard way of writing instructions in almost every project. That is why after she explains every instruction in plain English, she shows its equivalent in knitting lingo, so you become familiar with it for your next endeavor in knitting world.

Nazee's completed class project, a purse, was so pretty that we thought even experienced knitters will be interested in it. However, an experienced knitter might be bored if she had to go through all those detailed explanations. She/he would prefer to see instructions in concise standard lingo. To solve this problem, Nazee presents this class in two versions, Beginner and Standard. The Beginner version, as explained, assumes no prior experience and goes to explain every detail in plain English. The Standard version however, using standard knitting lingo, is designed for knitters with some experience. Both versions render the same result. When you sign up for this class, you will have access to both versions. That is an extra bonus for beginners. After they finish the beginner's version, they can go through the standard version to see if they now understand the knitting lingo. We are confident they will.

Class has Two Lessons. Students with no experience as well as those with Basic or higher skill level may benefit from this class.
Classroom is open and $Free, Enter Now!

Ribbon Embroidery

R100 - Ribbon Embroidery, The First Step

Silk Ribbon Embroidery is an old wonderful technique of working with silk ribbon, beads and embroidery floss to create wonderful 3-dimensional designs. It was very popular during the Victorian era. Silk Ribbon Embroidery is very versatile, since a large area can be covered with fewer stitches. Therefore, it is fast yet wonderfully beautiful. With this technique, you can create antique pieces or create unique outfits or accessorize your wardrobe.

If you have not tried Silk Ribbon Embroidery before, but have always admired this art form, this is your chance.

Nazanin S. Fard (Nazee) will show you the basics of Silk Ribbon Embroidery with this small, beautiful pendant. She will show you all the details from transferring the design to the fabric, stitching the flowers and leaves, to putting the pendant together.

Class has Two Lessons. Students with no experience as well as those with Basic or higher skill level may benefit from this class.
Classroom is open and $Free, Enter Now!

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