Gift Certificate
Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How does NU Gift Certificate (GC) work?

  2. Who delivers the Gift Certificate information to the party I buy the GC for?

  3. I have received a Gift Certificate, how can I use it?

  4. What if the fee for the class(es) I want is less than the amount of my GC;
    What happens to the balance?

  5. What if the fee for the class(es) I want is more than the amount of my GC?

  6. I have received more than one NU Gift Certificates. Can I combine them for registration?

Q. How does NU Gift Certificate (GC) work?

A. When you buy a Gift Certificate, the party you buy the gift certificate for, will receive an email notification that you have bought a Gift Certificate for her/him for the specified amount. This email also contains the Gift Certificate Number that will be used instead of payment for class registration.
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Q. Who delivers the Gift Certificate information to the party I buy the GC for?

A. NU's administration office will deliver the Gift Certificate information to your party via email, on your behalf. You will receive a copy of that communication. If you do not wish NU to deliver the Gift Certificate, on the "Gift Certificate Purchase" screen, type your email address as the recipient's email.
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Q. I have received a Gift Certificate, how can I use it?

A. Just go to our Class List and register for the class(es) of your choice. For checkout, choose the "Pay by Gift Certificate" option and fill out the registration form. We will contact you and let you know about your registration status based on the balance on your Gift Certificate(s).
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Q. What if the fee for the class(es) I want is less than the amount of my GC;
What happens to the balance?

A. The fee for the class(es) registration will be subtracted from the balance of your Gift Certificate. The remainder will be kept as the new balance for that Gift Certificate. We will let you know about the new balance so you can use it for later registrations.
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Q. What if the fee for the class(es) I want is more than the amount of my GC?

A. Go ahead and register for this/these class(es) using the "Pay by Gift Certificate" option. We will contact you via email and let you know how to pay for the balance.
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Q. I have received more than one NU Gift Certificates. Can I combine them for registration?

A. Yes, just let us know about these Gift Certificate Numbers. We use the balance of all your Gift Certificates in an ascending order to match the total in your registration form. This approach will use your smaller Gift Certificates first, so you will end up with Gift Certificates with larger balances left for your future registrations.
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